Welcome Race Fans!
On this site you will find information regarding events, rules, sponsors & current points standings along with a description below of what the biggest European drag racing class is all about.
About Us
The UK Nostalgia Superstock Association (UKNSA) is a class for drag racers who own American, pre-1980 V8 cars.
Expect to see the best muscle cars in the UK equipped with monster V8 engines and running on conventional front and rear suspension – this means the majority of the cars are running on leaf springs.
With colourful period paint schemes and catchy names that replicate the American racers of old, these cars put on a great show with a fantastic sound track to match.
Click on the Events tab to see where and when we'll be racing this year.
The cars run on the motor – which means no power adders such as Nitrous Oxide injection or turbos. Just drop the exhausts off, bolt on a different set of wheels and tyres and go racing (subject to the necessary safety requirements for the car and driver).
Many of the cars are road legal and participants often drive their cars on the street.
Slicks are permitted, up to 10.5 inches wide.
Expect impressive 'wheels up' launches and very close fender-to-fender racing as it is a bracket racing class.
'Bracket racing' allows vehicles of varying speeds to compete on an equal basis. Each racer is allowed to give an anticipated time, called a 'dial-in'. The vehicle with the slower dial-in will receive a head start (handicap) on the starting-line. First across the line without going faster than their recorded dial in, wins.
If you want to know more about this style of racing, drop by at the Pits – the Superstock racers will be more than happy to talk to you and show you around their pride and joy.
You can also get in touch at uknostalgiasa@gmail.com
Contact Us
General Page:
Racer & Crew Only:
UK Nostalgia Super Stock Racer's Group